Hope Town Lighthouse Shines for the first time after Hurricane Dorian's Destruction in the Northern Bahamas.
A Glimmer of Hope!! Fitting that it would come from the appropriately named Hope Town Lighthouse located within Hope Town Bahamas on Elbow Cay overlooking the Abaco Island Chain of the Northern Bahamas. An area which was recently devastated by Hurricane Dorian where much of the area surrounding the lighthouse was destroyed.
Hope Town lighthouse in the Abacos is as some would say functions as the heart of the Abacos turned on again on September 11th 2019. Seeing this helped boost moral for many of the last people remaining in the area. Most people evacuated in the days following hurricane Dorian’s destruction, but some still remain that wanted to start picking up the pieces to get this once thriving area bustling again.
Lighthouse glowed thanks to Kent Leboutillier and Deputy Cheif Councillor John Pinder. It turned on and shined but did not spin yet. There may be damage to the gears / mechanism so the lighthouse keeper Jeffery Forbes needs to be able to return to the island and inspect the gears and mechanism before the Hope Town Lighthouse can become fully functional again.
A small door that leads to the outside deck according to the Elbow Reef Lighthouse Society blew open during Hurricane Dorian allowing rain water and possibly salt water to get inside. After a thural inspection hopefully the lighthouse will become fully operational soon.
Great news for everyone, and a morale booster after such a devastating disaster. Small steps in the right direction, and it feels great for everyone to know the heart of the Abacos is beating again!