Port of Lajes das Flores destoryed by Hurricane in the Azores Islands

October 1st 2019: Hurricane Lorenzo slammed into the Azores leaving a path of destruction, one of the major areas destroyed was the Port of Lajes das Flores.

Huge waves over 46 ft high and strong winds ripped some of the seawalls apart which resulted in the port no longer offering full protection to any of the ships and their cargo trying to hide from the storm.  Some of the docks were destroyed along with several of the ships that were tied to them.

Several of the islands in the Azores suffered severe damage resulting from Hurricane Lorenzo’s Category 1 winds that struck the island of Lajes das Flores straight on, with wind gusts to 85 mph. 

Huge waves battered the coast for days even before the hurricane made land fall, and as the hurricane apporached the wave height continuted to grow until some waves over 46 ft high hit the islands.

Hurricane Lorenzo is now heading straight for Ireland and the United Kingdom with warnings of possible 60 to 80 mph wind gusts being issued by Met Éireann, the Irish Meteorological Service.

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